Project Description
Design and construct a sidewalk on Clevland Ave. from Duncan Rd. (SR17) to Riverside Dr.Project Location
Clevland Ave. from Duncan Rd. (SR17) to Riverside Dr.Latest Updates
The 30% plans were reviewed and comments added for the engineer to address and work on the 60% plans has started. The engineer is submitting for an exemption from SWFWMD. Talks with Seminole Gulf Railway are being done to look at rail crossing upgrades that will need to be done for the sidewalk.Budget
Phase | Cost |
Design | $62,010.00 |
Construction | $398,350.00 |
Total Budget | $460,360.00 |
Phase | Estimated Start Date | Forecast Completion | Actual Completion |
Design Development | 04/24/2024 | 02/28/2025 | |
Construction | 03/03/2025 | 09/01/2025 | |
Turnover & Closeout | 10/01/2025 | 10/31/2025 |
Project Phase
Design Development
Last Updated
Project Manager
Raymond Slade
Public Relations
Caitlin Jackson
Email Public Relations
Sponsor Department
Public Works
Design Engineer/Architect
Construction Contractor